Neighbours vote in favour of more public space

Neighbours vote in favour of more public space

The public space experiment at a square (De Silleplein) in the city of The Hague almost finishes. The neighbours could vote about two possible designs for the permanent square and the majority vote was in favour of driving on one site of the square and a car free public space on the other side. This is the same set up of the experiment.

(The drawings for the scenarios were made by the municipality of The Hague))

Number of voters

On the 26th of June 295 unique voting-papers were posted at the square and adjoining streets. The voting turnout was 47% and the majority voted (53%) for the scenario with more car free public space.

More information on the voting is available at the website of the “Pleinenwerkgroep”.

DenHaagFM visits the square

Wednesday, August 30th the local media station DenHaagFM visited the experiment to broadcast the experiment and the turnout of the voting. Take a look on their site. They spoke with Eveline Kokx of the municipality of The Hague, Melvin Kaersenhout (member of a community group) and some visitors.


At the end of July the street will be re-opened. Some people asked if the experiment could stay during the summer, but this was not the case due to regulations and licenses.

During the process a lot of information is gathered and this infroamtion will be used to make a preliminary design for the permanent situation. This design will be discussed after summer.

URBANOS managed this process as a independent consultancy and design firm. After the evaluation our role is over and the municipality will continue the design and construction process.

More information

This project is not yet explained in more detail on our website, but you can find some pictures by clicking here. Coincidentally an exposition was organized in Pulchri about public space and encounters between people, images of the experiment were exhibit during this event.

2017-07-28T13:38:34+00:00 July 28th, 2017|Den Haag, Inspiratie, Stedelijke ontwikkeling, Stedenbouw, Tijdelijk|Comments Off on Neighbours vote in favour of more public space