
Atlas of Sustainability

The new Atlas of Sustainability has been released, showing the impact of humans on the earth, such as climate change, the depletion of raw materials and the loss of biodiversity. The Atlas also provides insight into the (inter) national agreements that have been made to [...]

2020-07-07T11:27:50+00:00 November 7th, 2019|Amsterdam, Duurzaam, Inspiratie, Publicatie|Comments Off on Atlas of Sustainability

Pepijn Verpaalen appointed as Head of Urbanism of MA+U

We are very happy to announce that starting from 01-01-2018 Pepijn Verpaalen will join team of the Master of Architecture and Urbanism /MA+U as the head of the urbanism program. The Master is part of the Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts Tilburg. Pepijn [...]

2018-04-26T13:28:11+00:00 January 18th, 2018|Amsterdam|Comments Off on Pepijn Verpaalen appointed as Head of Urbanism of MA+U

Launch Dream your own future

The results of the 2016 exhibition "Volksvlijt" deserved to be recorded in a book. On 14 November 2017, we launched the book "Dream Your Own Future". The launch took place at the same spot where the exhibition took place in 2016; the Amsterdam Public Library [...]

2017-11-17T12:30:09+00:00 November 15th, 2017|Amsterdam, Inspiratie, Onderzoek, Stedelijke ontwikkeling, tentoonstelling|Comments Off on Launch Dream your own future

Vote for the new bicycle major

Amsterdam is looking for a new bicycle mayor and Camila Pinzon has been nominated for this. So vote for her! In the week of October 30, you can vote in the Cyclespace Pavilion and on Thursday November 2 in Circl. The website of Cyclespace  contains [...]

2017-11-13T14:47:01+00:00 October 28th, 2017|Amsterdam, Inspiratie, Prijsvragen|Comments Off on Vote for the new bicycle major

Start of the experiment at the Silleplein in The Hague

The experiment at the square Silleplein in The Hague started the 22th of May and it will last until the end of July. During the first two weeks of July, the households lining on the square and the streets around can vote to choose the [...]

2017-07-06T12:12:01+00:00 June 11th, 2017|Amsterdam|Comments Off on Start of the experiment at the Silleplein in The Hague

Presentation at BiciBizi

Also the Basques want to bike more and therefore, the newspaper El Diario Vasco organizes  on the 26th, 27th and 29th of May BiciBizi in San Sebastian and the province of Gipuzcoa. Throughout the whole province, activities about cycling are organized and the opening [...]

2017-07-06T13:23:57+00:00 May 15th, 2017|Amsterdam, Inspiratie, Internationaal, Lezing, Stedelijke ontwikkeling, Stedenbouw|Comments Off on Presentation at BiciBizi