Online participation

Online participation

The first steps in online participation were already taken before Corona prompted us to make real changes. We were already busy with involving residents digitally through surveys, information and / or discussions, but now we had to completely change. In other words, online participation exclusively went surprisingly fast. The first meetings were quickly arranged and almost everyone was behind the image ready to listen and respond.

Just like physical participation, online participation has also handicaps. During physical meetings you miss some groups of the population, and that also applies to online participation. Not everyone has a computer or is handy enough to participate online.  Some people do not dare to speak at a normal meeting, and it was the same at an online meeting. Technology can also be a barrier. So, we have to look for a balance to achieve that as many people as possible can participate online.

Online participation is a good addition to other ways of participating because it involves a new group that may normally participate less actively. Online participation is thus complementary to other methods to get a broader idea about what is relevant in a certain place, to generate ideas, to share information and to create support.

Also interested in online participation, please contact us. Call (0204218331) or email us your questions

2020-07-07T10:27:38+00:00 June 29th, 2020|Amsterdam|Comments Off on Online participation